The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday.
Architectural firm Design Alliance, Incorporated presented their services to the Board as the County considers a new County Jail. The firm is currently working on the new Dallas County Law Enforcement Center, along with public safety facilities in Waukee, Altoona, and West Des Moines. They would be able to complete a needs assessment on the current facility in approximately 6-8 weeks for approximately $20,000. No formal action was taken as a result of the presentation.
County Public Health Director Jotham Arber also gave an update on revenue shortfalls. The shortfalls are mostly due to delays in reimbursements from the State. They have also lost revenue due to fewer covered services from Managed Care Organizations, including Medicare and Medicaid. Arber informed the Board that during a normal year, the department would receive about $750,000 from these organizations. However, they have only received about $550,000 this year. Guthrie County Public Health has therefore increased the average amount of patients per nurse from about 18 to 22. Arber also said their increased operations in Adair and Cass counties should help offset the shortfalls.
The Board then awarded a contract for a bridge replacement project over Bays Branch, just northeast of Panora. They awarded the contract to Murphy Heavy Contracting out of Anita for $461,000. The project will start next spring and will be 80% funded by federal grants. They also heard updates from Midwest Partnership Executive Director Sarah Gomez and representatives from the Regional Airport Authority Board. No formal action was taken from either update.