Park Street in Perry

City of Perry will begin work on the Park Street widening project this Monday, which will affect traffic for around two weeks.

City Administrator Sven Peterson says the project will encompass the length of Park Street running from West 3rd Street to the end of City limits, and the two phases of construction will alter traffic differently. “Harland Concrete will be doing the north curb line first, and that will restrict Park Street to one lane of traffic. And then they’ll be bugging out for about a week and coming back to do the south curb line, and when they do that there should be enough room to have two lanes of traffic moving through there.”

While work is being done, residents will have limited access to their driveways, and they are asked to utilize on-street parking as much as possible. Peterson adds, widening Park Street is something the City has been wanting to do for some time, but it wasn’t until they were approached by the Dallas County Secondary Roads Department that progress was made. “That project is exciting for us, because we get to work collaboratively with the County. So that was a great partnership that they were able to reach out and let us know they were doing that project, and we were able to get our stuff in order and get a good project put together.”

Each phase should take around two weeks to complete. Following that, the County and City will be collaborating on an asphalt overlay project to complete the Park Street remodel. Anyone with questions is encouraged to contact Perry City Hall at 515-465-2481.