New Perry City Council

The Perry City Council will convene Monday evening in regular session.

In old business, the Council will consider a resolution approving a continued agreement between the City and Bolton and Menk for engineering services for another five years. They will also discuss a resignation and subsequent appointment to the Perry Public Library Board. In new business, the Council will consider agreements for collective bargaining with City employees through a local union. Other items of new business include: a resolution approving a service agreement to assess the architectural needs of the McCreary Community Building; a request by J&M Display to conduct this year’s fireworks show; and establishing rates and fees for solid waste collection.

Additionally, the Council will conduct readings for two different ordinances, the first relating to solid waste control. The other ordinance in question relates to the City’s fireworks policy. They held the first reading of the amended fireworks ordinance at a previous meeting, and the Council encourages any citizen with an opinion on fireworks to make themselves heard. The meeting will be held Monday at 6 p.m. in the Clarion Room at Perry City Hall.