Greene County Community CenterThere are several youth programs starting up later this month with the Jefferson Parks and Recreation Department.

Youth from kindergarten through third grade are encouraged to “Play at the Park” this summer. It will be held on Fridays from June 8th through the 29th from 9 to 10am. Instructors Samantha Hardaway and Regan Lamoureux will play games with the kids at Russell Park. Cost to participate is $15.

Another younger kids program is “Pre-Sports” for three to five-year-olds. Hardaway and Lamoureux will lead the program that will help kids exercise their muscles with aerobics, while also improving balance, flexibility and large motor skills. The program will be held on Fridays from 10:15 to 11am from June 8th through the 29th at Russell Park, unless there’s rain, then participants will meet at the Greene County Community Center. Deadline to register is by June 6th and the cost is $15.

A free rock wall climbing and fitness program is for all ages on Wednesdays from 1 to 2pm from June 6th through July 25th. The instructor will be Simone Lang and the program will mix in climbing as part of an overall fitness routine. It will be held at the Greene County Community Center.

Call the community center at 386-3412 or stop by to sign up.