With the Bell Tower Festival in Jefferson now about a week away, here are a few reminders to sign up for some of the activities.
Registrations for the Bill Riley Talent Search are currently being accepted. There are two age divisions with the Sprout Division for those 2 to 12-years-old and Seniors for those 13 to 21-years-old. Entries can be either solo acts or groups of up to five people. Cash prizes will be awarded to first through third places. The suggested length for each act is up to three minutes. The contest will take place on the Plaza Stage at 5:30pm on Saturday, June 9th. There’s no fee to participate and the deadline to register is by Tuesday, June 5th. A registration form can be found by clicking the link below.
Other activities that people can sign up for include: Jefferson Rotary Parade; the Jefferson Parks and Recreation 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament, sponsored by American Athletic Incorporated/Spalding, and the Ding Dong Dash 5K/10K run. All of those registration forms can be found below.
2018 Bill Riley Talent Search Registration Form
2018 Parade Entry Registration Form
2018 Ding Dong Dash Registration Form
3-on-3 Basketball Registration Form