The 2018 primary election is nearly here, and it’s important to get to know each of the candidates you may be considering.
Gene Krumm of Earlham is one of three Republican candidates running for the District 3 seat on the Dallas County Board of Supervisors. Krumm is no stranger to the Board, having served three terms as County Auditor. He says he decided to run for Supervisor for largely the same reason he decided not to run for a fourth term as Auditor. “I think county elected officials should be purged every so often, to avoid creating the ‘swamp’ as we hear all along. The longer you have the same group of people in office, they tend to form a group or club, if you will. That’s not always beneficial to taxpayers, when they get together in these little cliques.”
Krumm says if elected, he’d like to increase the size of the Board from three Supervisors to five. He believes the County has grown enough that three members isn’t enough anymore. To hear more from Krumm and the other candidates for the District 3 Supervisor seat, listen to the Special Edition Meet the Candidates program on demand at, or by clicking the link below. Be sure to listen in the days leading up to the June 5th primary election for more features on the candidates in the contested Dallas County races.