TVT Piano pic 1The newest installment of the public piano project in Jefferson will arrive today.

The Rockin’ the RAGBRAI piano was painted by Tony Sims of Middle of Nowhere Studio in Dana, at the request of Jefferson Matters: Main Street Tower View Team. Committee Chair Deb McGinn says there are notable figures on the piano, which was all done by airbrush.TVT Piano pic 3

“So you will see people that you know on this piano, their portraits that he (Tony) has painted on the piano. Chuck Offenburger has got a prominent place and Don and Jean Van Gilder are on there. On the front of this piano are the founders of RAGBRAI. He (Tony) did an awesome job. Tony Sims is an awesome airbrush artist.”

TVT Piano pic 2The design was in honor of Jefferson being named as an overnight stop on this year’s Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) route. The piano is expected to be put in place today near the Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower for when it opens Saturday at 10am. The public is encouraged to play the piano and it will be available through September.