Image courtesy of cares foundation
Image courtesy of cares foundation

This week is National Emergency Medical Services Week, and Dallas County EMS Director Mike Thomason says it’s a time to show appreciation for the medical professionals and volunteers working hard outside of hospitals.

He points out that EMS isn’t just about paramedics, it’s also ambulance drivers, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), and first responders. Many of those individuals volunteer their time to his department, and Thomason is grateful there’s a week to recognize each of them. “What I want to really emphasize is Emergency Medical Services is volunteers as well. So I see EMS Week as a way of thanking them, as well as those that are doing it as a career. To say, ‘Hey listen, you know we appreciate you taking time away from your family to go help someone out in a time of need.’ So I appreciate EMS Week, and I appreciate all those that are also in it. Even though I’m in it, my gratitude goes out to them as well.”

Thomason says he’s done things throughout the week to honor his workers, but adds that given the busy and unpredictable schedule of the EMS Department, it was next to impossible to organize a large event that everyone could have attended. Instead, he’s held smaller celebrations and thanked his employees on an individual level. Thomason encourages the public to thank any EMS personnel they may know, as he emphasizes it’s not easy, but everyone involved does outstanding work.