Memorial Day is next week, and as the unofficial kickoff to summer throughout Iowa, law enforcement officials will be out in greater numbers to keep motorists safe.
To that end, the Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau is once again instituting a special Traffic Enforcement Program, or sTEP wave to crack down on unsafe drivers. Perry Police Chief Eric Vaughn explains, law enforcement around the state are given grant money to fund overtime hours so there can be more officers on patrol during heavy-travel holidays like Memorial Day. Vaughn adds, normally sTEP waves emphasize catching impaired drivers, but their focus has shifted slightly this time around. “This year we kind of changed it towards all safety-related things. So we’re going to be able to focus a little bit more on seatbelt violations, and texting and driving violations. Those are kind of things I want to hit at that I think that we’ve been kind of overlooking in the past.”
Vaughn reminds everyone that the sTEP wave isn’t just in Perry or Dallas County, but it’s a statewide initiative to keep motorists safe over the major summer holidays. There will be sTEP waves in place during the Fourth of July and Labor Day as well. The Memorial Day wave runs from now until June 3rd. To hear more from Vaughn, click the link below to listen to him on the Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program.