Jefferson MuralIf you’ve driven by Shadran’s Industrial Services in Jefferson recently, you may have noticed the exterior of the building is more colorful. That’s because Greene County High School art students are painting a mural on it.

Art teacher Sarah Stott talks about the inspiration behind the mural of “Jefferson.”

“We kind of did a little bit of brainstorming online and saw a few other cities that have done similar-type murals, where they’re including their (town’s) name. And I thought, ‘The would be a good thing to do for Jefferson. We really don’t have anything like that in town.’ So that’s kind of where we got the start. Then from there, they (the students) kind of worked in small groups to come up with each individual letter itself. So they wanted to have different landmarks and different things from the community to be incorporated into each letter.”

She describes the talent levels of her students to pull off such great murals, including last year’s at the Twiins Shop.

“It’s amazing what they can do. Especially once they get the research done and the preparation, they are capable (of) so much. And just the artwork they produce throughout the year in general is just amazing. We do really well at the conference art shows whenever we compete. It’s a really, really strong group of artists that we have here in the community.”

Stott encourages anyone in the community to support their efforts to continue to paint more murals in the future. To make a donation, make checks payable to the Greene County High School Art Club.