Jefferson RAGBRAI Final LogoThe public is invited to learn more about the plans and activities that the Jefferson RAGBRAI committee has in store.

A town hall meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 21st from 5 to 7pm in the Jefferson City Hall Council Chambers. Executive Co-Chair Matt Wetrich says the meeting is a chance for people to ask questions or voice any concerns and they will have all the resources on hand to answer everyone’s questions. He adds it’s also a time for people to ask who to talk to about a certain aspect of the Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) and specifically about Jefferson happenings.

“RAGBRAI is amazingly a well ran machine. They’ve done it a million times now. And they want it to be an exceptional experience for, not just the riders, but the host communities. They really harp on ‘What makes RAGBRAI, RAGBRAI?’ is the people, it’s the communities and it’s the people in the host communities. They give us all the tools that we need and they are right there with us if we need anything.”

The town hall meeting is open to the public and no pre-registration is necessary.