City of Perry

At the recent Perry City Council meeting, a resolution was approved that will make it easier for the City to supplement budgeted items with grant funds.

City Administrator Sven Peterson explains what will change with the resolution and how it’s beneficial to the City’s department heads. “Usually for each and every grant we write, we’re supposed to go to the City Council and ask permission. A lot of times these grants are for things that the Council has already budgeted for and earmarked money for, so we figured it would be a lot easier and a lot more efficient for us if we were able to do one resolution that allowed us to put in a grant application for any capital project that was budgeted for.”

Peterson says the purpose of the resolution is to give the City more flexibility when it comes to applying for grants. He adds, often times things like the Bock or Dallas County Foundation grant cycles sneak up on them, and they don’t have time to bring proposals before the Council. By only needing his or Mayor John Andorf’s signature on grant proposals, Peterson is hopeful they’ll have fewer worries about meeting submission deadlines.