The Greene County Historical Society invites everyone to join them for their May program coming up this Friday.
The program will be on the history of wildlife in the county. Greene County Conservation Director Dan Towers will lead the program. Historical Society Board Member Chuck Offenburger says Towers will discuss what wildlife there was back in the time from when the county was first settled in the 1840s up to today.
“Danny can even go back from archaeological finds that have been made in Greene County. He can talk about the prehistoric wildlife that would have been around here. And then he’ll come on through and talk about recreation that’s involved and maybe even look at the future about what might be possible.”
Towers graduated from Paton-Churdan in 1973 and majored in fisheries and wildlife biology from Iowa State University. He then worked for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for five years in the wildlife management department, before becoming Greene County’s third conservation director in 1985.
The free program begins at 1pm at the United Methodist Church in Churdan. A lunch will be provided at noon for $8 for historical society members and $10 for non-members. Lunch reservations must be made today by calling Vice-President Nancy Hanaman at 515-436-7684.