The Dallas County Board of Supervisors convened Tuesday morning in regular session.
The bulk of the meeting was devoted to a planning workshop with the Secondary Roads Department, to discuss their plans for a new cold storage facility, office building, and motorgrader shed. County Engineer Al Miller said they’d like to begin work on the cold storage building this summer or fall, with the site being the central maintenance facility south of Dallas Center. The plan would include closing and selling several storage facilities around the County. No action was taken at the meeting, but the topic will be discussed at a future meeting.
The Supervisors also discussed the new law enforcement center, and approved a payment of $327,548.32. Jerry Purdy of Design Alliance said right now there’s a lot of underground work being done, and they’re making great progress. Other action items approved included: setting a public hearing on a proposed road vacation on 288th Trail for May 1st at 9:30 a.m.; rezoning of 2.3 acres of land from agricultural to light industrial; and abating around $8,000 in mobile home taxes.
The meeting concluded with a closed session to discuss the purchase of real estate.