Logo Banner RVRThe window to apply for Raccoon Valley Radio’s annual Business and Broadcasting Scholarships will be closing soon. Each year Raccoon Valley Radio gives two $250 scholarships to graduating seniors in our listening area who plan on majoring in business or broadcasting in college. Students in Dallas, Greene, Guthrie, Adair, and Madison counties are eligible for the scholarships.

Raccoon Valley Radio General Manager John McGee draws on personal experience when determining who will receive the scholarships.

“I have a senior this year that decided to be an education major. As a parent I thought it was neat to see the path that she took to come to that decision. Really that’s what we’re looking for. We understand that kids may get off into college and change their mind. What I’m looking for to protect the integrity of the scholarship is how strong and what is that path they took. What experiences did they have in high school (and) in their communities they serve, in order to make those recommendations to the owners that yes, this is a good way to invest that dollar.”

Scholarship applications must be submitted to the KDLS studio in Perry or the school’s guidance counselor by 5pm on Friday. The winners will be announced during the student’s school awards presentation in May.

Application: https://dehayf5mhw1h7.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/1074/2019/01/22202958/2018-RVR-Scholarship-Award-Application.pdf