April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and local law enforcement is using it as a reminder to motorists to keep their eyes on the road.
Dallas County Sheriff Chad Leonard tells Raccoon Valley Radio that many of the wrecks they see throughout the year involve someone driving distracted. More often than not, he says, the culprit is people using their cell phones while behind the wheel. Leonard believes keeping your cell phone out of your hands while driving is especially critical right now as planting and bicycle season begin to ramp up in the warmer weather. “This time of year we got tractors all over again. And bicycles, those are starting to pop up. And with all the bike trails that we have in Dallas County and all the crossings, we’re going to have accidents. So we’re asking you to please put that cell phone down, find another way to communicate if you have to, and just pay attention.”
According to statistics provided by the Department of Public Safety, drivers using hand-held devices while driving are four times as likely to get into serious crashes. Additionally, the DPS says there are 11 teen deaths every day as a result of texting while driving. The state has taken steps to curb distracted driving, as last year the legislature passed a law making texting while driving a primary offense. Leonard says since the law was passed, his deputies have issued many citations for it. He adds, it’s fairly easy to spot a driver on their cell phone, and officers won’t hesitate to pull people over.
To hear more from Leonard, listen to yesterday’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program at RaccoonValleyRadio.com.