Panorama-Panthers-Picture112The Panorama School Board will meet in regular session Monday.

The meeting will begin at 6pm with a public hearing for the district’s next fiscal year budget. Following the public hearing, the Board will consider for approval a resolution authorizing $2.28 million in general obligation school refunding bonds, along with approving the budget and school calendar for the 2018-2019 school year. Other action items include: an Area Education Agency purchasing agreement; certification of the 2018-2019 staff handbook; an out-of-state student trip request; an elementary band fundraiser request; and partial self funding for medical insurance.

Both sessions will take place in the District Board Room. Immediately following the regular session, the Panorama Education Association (PEA) will present its initial contract proposal for the 2018-2019 school year with the Board. The proposal will be open to the public, however all subsequent negotiations will be discussed in closed session. The meeting will end with the Board’s initial contract proposal.