Grow Greene County logoA reminder that Tuesday night is the annual Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation Awards Night.

GGCGC is one of the entities that made a pledge of $4.5 million to the Greene County School District for a new gymnasium and performing arts center, if the bond referendum passes. GGCGC President Norm Fandel says their commitment to the school district project has caused them to tweak their budget, but they will continue to distribute funds to the contiguous counties, municipalities, school districts and the Greene County Community Foundation. Fandel pointed out that the change in their budget will not affect their distribution of funds in the competitive grant process.

Fandel announced at the Greene County Community Foundation Grant Award Ceremony in March that they received $1.4 million in adjusted gross revenue from Wild Rose Casino. After their formula of distribution, they were left with $400,000 to give away in competitive grants for projects over $35,000. They had $1.2 million in requests this year.

The awards night is by invitation only and will start at 7:30pm. Listen to Raccoon Valley Radio Wednesday for full results from the event.