The Perry Police Department is investigating incidents involving skimmers placed on gas pumps at both Kum & Go locations in the City.
Police Chief Eric Vaughn tells Raccoon Valley Radio the first skimmer was found at the north location last Friday, and a second was found Thursday morning at the south location. Vaughn says they’re unsure when the skimmer was placed at the north location, but he believes the south was in place between March 23rd and 26th. The devices used were placed internally, so the perpetrators had to tamper with the security seal to do so.
Vaughn advises people paying for gas at the pump to check the security seal before using the credit card reader. If it appears the seal has been tampered with, you are to notify the station employees and law enforcement. He also advises anyone who has purchased gas at either Kum & Go in the last month to monitor their credit card and bank statements carefully and let the Police Department know if there’s any fraudulent charges.
Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you more information as it’s made official.