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The Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce held their Celebrate Adel Annual Dinner Tuesday night, as a way to honor the efforts of the Chamber members in the last year.

Raccoon Valley Radio General Manager John McGee served as emcee for the event, which started with recognition of the sponsors and volunteers. Next, there were several speakers including: Senior Vice President of the Economic Development for the Greater Des Moines Partnership Mike Swesey; Miss Rodeo Iowa Jenna Kool; and Chamber Board Chair Marc Riley.

The main event of the night was the announcement of the annual awards. The first award was for the 2018 Citizen of the Year, which is given annually to an individual heavily involved in the community. This year’s winner was Dennis Leininger, who was part of the Oakdale Pride revitalization project for the Oakdale cemetery. The other award was for Business of the Year, which went to the Adel Family Fun Center. The event also included a cocktail hour, door prize drawings, and a meal.

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