Downtown Perry is still reeling after last week’s fire, and the businesses affected will remain closed indefinitely as they recover from the damage.
While the structural damage was kept to a minimum after the fire, the smoke damage was substantial for Perry Floral and Gifts, Bacon Jewelers, and Ben’s Five and Dime. Ben’s Co-Owner Jan Pattee says that their entire inventory is being counted, after which time it will all be removed. In spite of the shock of losing their entire stock, Pattee remains hopeful in the face of adversity. “Going forward, as has always been our passion and goal, we will work to ensure that our little corner of uptown Perry, Iowa will remain a bright spot in the lives of all.”
Perry Floral Owner Trish Roberts, who had only recently opened the location, says her store will also remain closed for the foreseeable future as it’s assessed by her insurance company. “Perry Floral will be temporarily closed while we work through the process. We are working as hard as we can, as quickly as we can to get our shop back to 100%.” Roberts adds, she’s thankful for the community support she’s received since the fire. “I’d really like to first thank the Perry Volunteer Fire Department and the Perry Police Department for all of their assistance the day of the fire. As well as thank everybody that has sent well-wishes and dropped by, offered help, stopped by with meals, and just in general been kind to us.”
Pattee echoes Roberts in her thanks to the community, while also offering her appreciation to patrons past and present. “A big thank you and a warm embrace to all we have had the privilege to serve in the Perry area, the surrounding communities, and guest customers from the entire United States and even the world. All the personal well-wishes and offers to help have deeply touched us. A million thanks from both of us.”
Bacon Jewelers also remains closed for the time being, and it’s unknown at this time what their plans are moving forward.