Greene County Community CenterThe Jefferson Parks and Recreation Department is sponsoring the mini track program.

It is for kindergarten through sixth graders. Participants will learn events such as: running distances and spirits, as well as some field events. The kindergarten through second graders will be from 5:15 to 6pm Thursdays, while the third through sixth graders will be from 5:15 to 6pm on Tuesdays. The program starts Tuesday, March 27th and ends on April 24th at Linduska Field. Cost is $20 per child.

Participants will get to compete at the local JPRD track meet that will be held on April 24th starting at 4:30pm with check-ins and the meet will begin at 5pm, also at Linduska Field. The track meet is free and only those that are 9 to 14-year-olds will get to compete at the state track meet.

Call the Greene County Community Center at 386-3412 for more information or to sign up.