JPRD Mtg 3_21The Jefferson Parks and Recreation Board met Wednesday in regular session.

During open forum, Mike Boone with Adaptive Sports Iowa addressed the Board about using the Greene County Community Center during the Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI). He said there will be a total of 80 people, including riders and support staff, needing to stay overnight in the community center on July 23rd. Preliminary cost would be $10 per person to utilize the entire facility, due to privacy and accessibility needs. The Board took no action following the discussion.

The Board then briefly discussed the upcoming 20-year celebration of the community center. Parks and Rec Director Vicky Lautner said she is forming a committee to plan the activities for the November event. It was also mentioned that Iowa State University graduate Zoey Mauck won an award for her project that she did on a complete trail system in Jefferson. Lautner talked about a recognition event, possibly during RAGBRAI.

Finally, Lautner said she is going to receive Local Option Sales and Service Tax (LOSST) funds to paint the tennis courts at Russell Park this summer.