Dallas Co Supervisors 3-12

The Dallas County Board of Supervisors convened Tuesday morning in regular session, though they were one member short as Supervisor Mark Hanson was absent.

The meeting started with a request by the Dallas County Children’s Advocacy Council about a proclamation declaring April as Child Abuse Prevention Month. The Board approved the proclamation, which included agreeing to put a banner on the courthouse lawn for the duration of April. Next, the Board approved setting a public hearing for a second review of the fiscal year 2019 County budget, as there was a mistake when printing notification for the first public hearing. The hearing is scheduled for April 3rd at 9:30 a.m.

That was followed by approval of a resolution for the placement of fiber optic lines within the right of way of the Raccoon River Valley Trail, which will run from downtown Adel to the the new law enforcement center east of the City. At 9:30 a.m., there was a public hearing to consider a rezoning request for an area in the Boone Township south of Interstate 80 and near Ute Avenue. After much discussion, it was decided the property owners need to bring more information before the resolution can be considered. The hearing was recessed and will be reopened at next week’s meeting.