McCreary Rec Center

The Perry Parks and Recreation Department will embrace modern times this year, as they begin a transition towards online services.

Parks and Rec Director John Anderson says until now they haven’t had any kind of online footprint. If people wanted to sign up for programs or register for licenses, they had to go to the McCreary Community Building in person and do a cash transaction. With the new systems, Anderson says everything from signing up for summer sports to paying for a membership can be accomplished on your computer. He adds, while he feels his employees do a great job of handling transactions and paperwork, the online services will reduce the risks involved with the process.

“What it really is going to do is it’s going to cut down on the opportunity for error. When we’re signing people up, or people are registering for dog or cat licenses, we’ll be able to streamline it. Make it in an easy, online form. People can plot their information in there, and it automatically syncs with our system at the rec center, and it just should speed up. Everything is going to be way more efficient. It should be a lot easier for our patrons and our users.”

Additionally, Anderson hopes that by streamlining the process, it will encourage more people to sign up. As he puts it, “If you make things easy on people, hopefully you’ll have more participation.” He estimates the online registration will be up and running some time this April. To learn more about the Perry Parks and Rec Department, listen to Wednesday’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program at