The Dallas County Board of Supervisors convened Tuesday morning in regular session.
A trio of public hearings took up a large portion of the meeting, starting with discussion on a contract with LexisNexis for electronic legal research services. County Attorney Wayne Reisetter presented a three-year contract, and said the service is critical to his department. The next hearing was for the structural steel bid package for the new law enforcement center. Sid Samuels of the Samuels Group said they received three bids for the work, and the low bid was from U.S. Erectors, who was awarded the previous bid that had to be rescinded for legal purposes. Samuels said their new bid of $833,600 was even lower than their original bid, and the whole project is currently $750,000 under budget.
The final public hearing was for the five-year road construction program for the Secondary Roads Department. County Engineer Al Miller presented the plan, which included mostly bridge projects for the first two years. No one spoke against any of the topics covered in the public hearings, so the Board approved resolutions for all three. Other resolutions approved included the reappointment of Jim Uthe as the County’s Weed Commissioner, and a memorandum of understanding for the Emergency Medical Services Department to hire paramedic students to full-time positions.
The meeting concluded with workshops with the Treasurer’s Office and Human Resources Department.