A software technology company has signed a letter of intent to come to Jefferson.
Pillar Technology is looking to locate an office in Jefferson at 204-206 East State Street, adjacent to Sierra Community Theatre. Based in Columbus, Ohio, Pillar Technology has three other office locations, including in Des Moines. If the Greene County School District’s $21.48 million bond passes, the software development company will work with the school district, as well as other surrounding k-12 school districts and Iowa Central Community College, to begin a software workforce training program. The program will be an education strand that will be offered through the regional career academy.
The building on East State Street will be renovated and Pillar is calling it “The Forge.” The first floor will have a training bay and an office bay open for community events. The second floor will be an open office space that can also serve as a co-working space.
Pillar is projecting bringing in 25-30 full time jobs. Plans also include teaching coding and computer science skills in the middle school grades or earlier. Iowa Central Community College can then offer advanced classes to high schoolers through the regional career academy. Upon graduation, students can enter an 8-18 month training program. Those that complete the training program will have the opportunity to apply for a full time job with Pillar. The starting salary would be between $55,000-$60,000.
Greene County Development Corporation President Sid Jones says by having Pillar in Greene County, it would help entice more people to live and work here.
“That’s been the million-dollar question for a long time is how do you get higher paying jobs to rural Iowa. The increase in the skilled workforce wages is happening and it’s been happening for two decades. This is over the top of any skilled workforce. It also allows people to live here and telecommute a job around the world from Greene County. If they like our way of life, if that has value to them, then we have the best of both worlds.”
The current plans are contingent upon the bond passing on April 3rd.
A video detailing the project is available at https://vimeo.com/248334088/10f50b4cdc and www.futurereadyiowa.com. For more information about Pillar Technology, visit www.pillartechnology.com.