Guthrie SheriffThe Guthrie County Sheriff’s Office is running out of options to alleviate the growing jail capacity concern. Sheriff Marty Arganbright, along with Deputies Jeremy Bennett, Michael Herbert, and Jesse Swensen all addressed the Board of Supervisors this past Thursday on the current situation.

Arganbright is extremely concerned about the inability to keep male and female prisoners out of each other’s sight and sound. There are currently seven inmates in the “bullpen,” which makes for a crowded cell. There are times where prisoners are lying on the floor, there is no safe place to house suicidal prisoners, and there are currently no options to separate prisoners based on severity of crime. Transporting female prisoners to adjacent counties, specifically Dallas, has helped to alleviate some of the space concerns, however, it takes a considerable amount of time away from normal duties.

Herbert is also concerned that the constant focus on freeing up space in the County Jail takes away from the ability to secure the rest of the courthouse. Arganbright would like to use the old Environmental Health office as additional space for his deputies and clerks. That would allow for the possibility of some quick, temporary options to free up some extra space and would allow for a better line of sight on entrances. He would also like to eventually see a sally port constructed for more secure transport of prisoners. The Supervisors requested to see expansion proposals soon.