On Monday evening, the 100+ People for Perry group will convene for their first donation meeting of 2018.

The group will meet at La Poste to discuss where their next donation will be given. They meet four times a year to make a large donation to a local project or organization that positively affects Perry. If anyone has any suggestions for potential projects, they are encouraged to reach out to any member of the group. The only requirements are that the project must be for a nonprofit or charitable organization, and the project must be in Perry. To date, the 100+ People for Perry have given a total of $52,500 to eight projects in their two-year history.

The meeting will start with a social time at 6:30 p.m. Anyone interested in joining the group can reach out to Mark Powell at 515-465-4641 or mpowell@fdplawfirm.com, Tom Lipovac at Tom.Lipovac@perry.k12.ia.us, or Linda Kaufman at KaufmanLinda1948@gmail.com. Each member will be asked to give $100 to the selected project, and also make a one-year commitment to the group.