A new committee is currently being formed to improve security at the Greene County Courthouse.
The Greene County Supervisors recently approved appointments to the Courthouse Security Committee. Assistant Greene County Attorney Thomas Laehn requested the Supervisors form the committee, following requests from the Iowa Bar Association, Iowa Supreme Court and Iowa State Association of Counties (ISAC).
The proposed membership for the committee includes: the Greene County Sheriff or designee, Jefferson Police Chief or designee, Greene County Auditor or designee, Greene County Attorney or designee, one County Supervisor, Greene County Safety Coordinator Chuck Wenthold, Director of Greene County Veterans Services Tracie Perez, District Court Judge Adria Kester, Magistrate Court Judge David Morain and Greene County Clerk of Court or designee. Laehn pointed out to the Supervisors at a recent meeting that he put out email requests from anyone in the courthouse to be on the committee and wanted at least one person to represent each of the three levels of the courthouse.
The initial tasks for the committee are to: determine appropriate locations for the courtrooms, judicial chambers, judicial branch employee offices and the County Attorney’s office, along with proposing an overall plan to the Supervisors.
Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams says having a committee dedicated to courthouse security is beneficial for everyone.
“It’ll help just keeping the security of everybody that comes to the courthouse more safe. With the gun law changes, I know that they’re not supposed to carry concealed (weapons) in the courthouse. But if they’re carrying it properly concealed, no one ever knows. With a metal detector, we’ll know quickly if they have anything which does increase the safety of everybody in the courthouse.”
Williams doesn’t see a metal detector happening soon, but would like to discuss the topic with the committee.
The committee will have its first meeting tomorrow.