This week is National FFA Week and all three Raccoon Valley Radio school districts in Guthrie County have active chapters.
In particular, West Central Valley is celebrating with activities all week. Tomorrow’s festivities highlight the week with the teacher’s breakfast and FFA cookies. Chapter Secretary Matt Smith values the leadership aspect of the organization. However, he’s most excited about continuing a particular set of activities. “Every month we do an activity meeting and this month we’re going bowling. That usually gets a lot of members to turn out. So I hope we continue that in the future.”
Panorama High School also has reason to celebrate, as they recently completed their 50th tractor restoration. The restoration programs began in 2006 and photos of the transformations are displayed outside the shop on the FFA Wall of Fame. Similar to West Central Valley, Adair-Casey/Guthrie Center will also be hosting an FFA breakfast on Wednesday, but this one is for the public as well. Breakfast will be served from 6-8am in the Ag shop.