Photo courtesy of Wikimedia
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia

Dallas County Conservation is joining with Polk County Conservation and the Army Corps of Engineers to offer a special free Eagle Watch event this Sunday.

Forest Park Museum Curator Pete Malmberg says the watch will be held at several locations around the Saylorville Reservoir. He says Eagle Watches are always popular events, especially when you consider how volatile the eagle population was in the recent past. “They were just terrified the bald eagles were going to go extinct back in the sixties, it was looking pretty bad for them. So the idea you would have an eagle watch was amazing, because no one ever even saw them much for a while there. So this is a real testament, the bald eagles are a real success story on bringing things back from extinction, particularly in North America. So this event proves that conservation can and does work!”

The Eagle Watch will be held from noon – 4 p.m. this Sunday. No registration is required, and specific viewing locations and programming schedules can be obtained on the day of the event at the Saylorville Visitors’ Center. For more information, contact Dallas County Conservation at 515-465-3577.