1453389_622187144494876_2033444197_nA local non-profit has been assisting those in crisis pregnancy situations for nearly six years. The LifeCare (LC) Pregnancy Clinic in Stuart has several resources for those going through this challenging state of life.

The clinic offers many free resources, including: Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) testing, pregnancy testing, limited ultrasounds, counseling, and educational materials. The clinic also provides a program for those who can’t afford basic necessities for their newborn children. Registered Nurse Diane Carr talks about the “Earn While You Learn” program. “Moms, dads, care providers (are) able to come in. They do some lessons and they’re able to go to a closet where there’s all kinds of baby clothes, diapers, baby wipes. It’s just a really neat way that we can support women, men, grandparents, with their children.”

The lessons are similar to classwork. Participants usually watch a video and complete some worksheets. Lesson topics include: pregnancy, childbirth and parenting, life skills, and fatherhood.
