Assistant County Attorney Thomas Laehn (right) addressing Supervisors
Assistant County Attorney Thomas Laehn (right) addressing Supervisors

The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.

The Board approved a Louis Dreyfus grant application for $5,000 for a shelter house project for the Scranton City Park. The total cost of the project is over $78,000. The Scranton Parks Committee is looking to apply for other grants and financial backing from the City as well. The Board will allocate the funds at the start of the next fiscal year on July 1st.

The Board also approved the Emergency Management 2019 fiscal year budget. The expenses are projected to be $33,447. The revenues include: a $32,000 contribution from the Board, plus another $1,300 in recipients.

The Board also approved a letter of support for a Greene County Community Foundation for $1,175 for radon test kits through the County Environmental Health Department, along with contributing $1,900 and a letter of support for a $100,000 grant from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources through the Beaver Creek Watershed Management Authority. Additionally, the Board approved the County Recorder’s report of fees for January of $23,365.

It was also mentioned in the meeting the unofficial full route for this year’s Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) through Greene County. The towns include: Scranton, overnight stay in Jefferson, then Grand Junction and Dana into Boone County. The full route will be made official next month.

During open forum, Assistant Greene County Attorney Thomas Laehn addressed the Board on some minor concerns with the 28E agreement for the Central Iowa Community Services Mental Health Region.

The meeting ended in a budget workshop.