The four wrestling programs from the Raccoon Valley Radio listening area that competed Saturday in a Class 2A Sectional Wrestling Tournament in Winterset all qualified multiple individuals for the Feb. 10 District tournament at Harlan. All first and second place qualifiers at the Sectional advance to the District. First and second place wrestlers at the District advance to the State Tournament at Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines Feb. 15-16-17.
Creston/Orient-Macksburg won the tournament with 227 points and nine qualifiers. Woodward-Granger was second with 195 points and six district qualifiers. The host Huskies had 174 points and qualified seven on to Harlan, while ADM scored 152.5 with four advancing. Greene County had 150 points and two district qualifiers, and Clarke (Osceola) had 83 points with no one advancing.
District qualifiers for ADM, Greene County, Winterset, and Woodward-Granger and their placing are listed below:
ADM- Andrew Flora (113), first; Nolan Harsh (152), first; Leo Tauke (195), second; Kaden Sutton (220), first.
Greene County- Brock Wuebker (170), second; Clint Dennhardt (182), first.
Winterset- Trey Allen (106), second; Bryce Hatten (120), first; Trenton Cook (126), second; Jack West (132), first; Kruise Kiburz (138), first; Blake Ryerson (145), second; Bradley Tolley (285), second.
Woodward-Granger- Hunter Pierce (106), first; Ryan Munoz (120), second; Austin Scharlau (152), second; Gabe Yingst (160), first; Cody Fisher (195), first; Dillon Fogarty (220), second.
C/O-M and W-G both send teams to Tuesday’s dual meet regional tournaments. The Hawks travel north to Clarion and will meet Spirit Lake Park in the opening round while Clarion-Goldfield-Dows and Algona will face off. The two winners meet for the regional title and a trip to the Feb. 14 State Dual Meet Tournament at Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines.