The Dallas County Emergency Medical Services Department is hoping to be the recipient of six new Lucas Assist devices after applying for a state grant.
The devices are automated chest compressors that can continually perform CPR on patients going into cardiac arrest. EMS Director Mike Thomason explains, a person can perform CPR for just two minutes before they’re no longer operating effectively. The Lucas devices can go uninterrupted as long as needed, providing a similar level of care as a human, and can be used while moving a patient. The Iowa Department of Public Health is responsible for distributing the devices through the grant process. There is a certain amount of devices a county can apply for, dependant on population and services offered.
Dallas County was allowed to apply for six Lucas devices. Thomason says four will be outfitted in his department’s ambulances and first responder vehicles. The other two will be given to the Waukee and Granger EMS Departments. The Dallas County Board of Supervisors approved a memorandum of understanding, to officially apply for the devices, and the County should know soon if they are approved.