iowa board of educationIn her Condition of the State address earlier this month, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds emphasized the importance of education funding. Panorama Superintendent Shawn Holloway is also encouraging parents and community members to reach out to legislators to encourage support for education funding.

Holloway is concerned members of his district might be too passive in reaching out to legislators about their concerns over public school funding. “If you’re a public school supporter I think it’s really important as a parent, as a community member, to make contact with your legislators and let them know that currently tax dollars are already going to private schools. I would really encourage, not just Panorama parents, but AC/GC parents and any other parents that listen to Raccoon Valley Radio to contact your legislator. This is a topic where the squeaky wheel gets the grease and the private and homeschool sector of parents have done a much better job of being a united voice on that.”

Reynolds mentioned a 1.5% Supplemental State Aid increase for public education for the next school year. Holloway believes that increase will be whittled down once it goes through the House and Senate. Be sure to listen to Raccoon Valley Radio as we give you bi-monthly updates from Senator Jake Chapman on KDLS and Representative Clel Baudler on KKRF.