warren cultural centerFor nearly six years, Ken Sidey has been the face of the Warren Cultural Center in Greenfield. That time will soon come to an end as Sidey will be taking on another position down the road. Sidey has accepted a position as the Executive Director of the Bricker Price Block Restoration Project in Earlham.

The restoration project is similar to the center in Greenfield. The renovations on the downtown Earlham building will include: a social club, restaurant, art classes, and other featured programming. Sidey has learned a great deal in his time at the center, and is hoping it will come in handy for the new project. “I’m hoping that I can take all the lessons that I have learned from here and apply those to a new project. I trust that that’s going to help revitalize another small town in Iowa, just as we have seen the opera house have some great effects here on the Greenfield town square.”

Sidey knows this opportunity wouldn’t be possible without the support of the Greenfield community. “I want to say thank you to all of the volunteers that I have worked with here. This is a big place, there’s no way I could have ever done everything that has happened here by myself.”

Sidey hopes to attend future shows, particularly the groups he has booked for upcoming events. To hear more from the outgoing director, listen to today’s Let’s Talk Guthrie County program.