The Stuart City Council will meet in regular session Monday. Depot Committee Spokesperson Doris Bench will return to make another presentation regarding Depot usage and management. Following the presentation the Council will consider Scoop the Loop dates for 2018.
The Council will then re-examine a resolution to change 25 stop and yield signs within city limits, as well as add two additional stop signs. The issue was extensively discussed at last month’s council meeting, particularly in regards to the process the signs are implemented. Stuart Police Chief David Reha has seen some areas of particular concern where signage could improve intersections in the city. “There have been several uncontrolled intersection issues in the city in the past that I’ve personally dealt with, (and) officers have dealt with crashes because there were no signs at all. A lot of those were on the south side, which part of that plan addressed.”
The Council will also discuss the following action items: a property sale at 408 South Gaines Street, tax abatement applications, a proposal to increase wages and benefits to current city employees without benefits, a puppy mill ordinance, Region XII Council of Governments housing contributions, and an appointment to the City’s Utility Board. The meeting begins at 6:30pm in Stuart City Hall.