Greene Co. 4-HThere are a couple of deadlines coming up for Greene County 4-H’ers to be aware of.

Greene County Extension 4-H and Youth Coordinator Kayla Hyett-Willms says today is the deadline to register for the Citizenship Washington Focus trip. The ten-day trip is in June and is available for any high school-age 4-H’er. The trip includes visiting several national monuments, museums and landmarks. The cost for the trip is $1,700 and the Greene County 4-H Foundation will pay the last third.

Another deadline that is fast approaching is for the State Recognition Awards. It is for any high school-age 4-H’er who wants to participate in: State 4-H Council, National 4-H Conference, National 4-H Congress, or State Project awards. Hyett-Willms says those interested can receive additional help in preparing the necessary paperwork to be submitted.

“Our very own Greene County Young Leader and 4-H member is also part of the State 4-H Council, Kara Betts, will be working with anybody interested in filling out these applications. She will be at the Extension office on Mondays in January, starting January 8th from 5 to 7pm, to help anybody with their applications that would like it.”

The deadline for those applications is February 1st.