Greene County Supervisors 1_2The Greene County Board of Supervisors met for the first time in 2018 on Tuesday.

The meeting started with the Board approving John Muir as Board Chair and Dawn Rudolph as Vice-Chair for the year. During open forum, Rudolph reported that the decision whether or not to accept Greene County as part of the Central Iowa Community Services mental health region, was tabled to later this month. It was supposed to be decided at CICS’s meeting in December, but due to only 6 of 11 counties being present at the meeting, it was postponed. It was also mentioned during open forum that due to changes in the Iowa Department of Human Services, case management in Greene County has been re-assigned and will no longer be provided in the county.

The Board then approved the December 29, 2017 cash count as presented. Additionally, the Board approved several items during the organizational part of the meeting, which included: continuing regular meeting times on Mondays at 8:30am, holiday closures for the courthouse, official publications, as well as several board committee assignments.