With a new year begins new projects, one of which is going to move into a second phase with Greene County’s Vision 2020 program.
Within the Vision 2020 program was a list of ten potential projects, throughout the county, with a goal of being done by the year 2020. A steering committee of about 30 people came up with the slate of projects, which includes an artisan colony in Grand Junction. Coordinator Zach Mannheimer talks about turning Grand Junction’s downtown into an artisan colony to attract more businesses.
“Getting one business to come in there is not the answer because it’s not going to take over the entire community. You need to really redo that main street in one shot. This is a plan on how to do that and to bring in some of the more unique individuals who can make Grand Junction a place unlike any other.”
Greene County Development Corporation Executive Director Ken Paxton says the steering committee will meet this Friday to prioritize all of the projects.

“They already have a proposal in place to help design and complete the new restaurant and brewpub (and) the housing project up in Paton. So those two projects are kind of rolling along on their own. We’ll also introduce a new project concept that combines several of the projects we have talked about in the past. We’ll introduce that and get the support, hopefully, from the steering committee on moving forward with that.”
To hear more from Paxton on Vision 2020 and other GCDC projects, listen to Thursday’s Community State Bank in Paton Let’s Talk Greene County program.
A list of the ten projects can be found below.
- Greene County Schools Bond Referendum
- Business-Class Restaurant and Brewpub
- Sports complex and aquatic center
- Daycare expansion and co-working space
- Housing
- Artist colony in Grand Junction
- Restaurant in Scranton
- 16-unit housing complex in Paton
- Complete streets program
- Trails connectivity system