Greene County RamsA reminder that starting this week, several town hall meetings will be held for the proposed bond referendum for the Greene County School District.

The District is working with OPN Architects and the Friends of Education committee for a bond to build a new high school and regional career academy. Other than the concept being developed by community members, and led by Sid Jones and Chris Deal, community members are asked to provide input on everything else. At each meeting, a 45-minute video will be presented explaining the concept. The rest of the meeting will be open for comments and suggestions from the public.

The career academy will be operated and staffed by Iowa Central Community College. The classes that will be available at the academy will be based on the needs of Greene County and the surrounding school districts within a 30-mile radius.

The first set of meetings are taking place today in Rippey. School Board member Steve Karber and his wife will be at the First United Methodist Church at 10am. Then from 1, 5 and 7pm, they will be at the community center. On January 4th at 10am, 1, 5 and 7pm, the Karbers will be at the Scranton Community Center. Then on January 9th and 18th, also from 10am, 1, 5 and 7pm, will be meetings at the Greene County Community Center.

Those that can’t make it to a meeting, but want to see the video and provide feedback, can get a DVD copy at the Jefferson City Hall front counter and/or by emailing