The Stuart City Council met in a special session Monday.
The Council approved a salary, benefit package, and other particulars for the hiring of an economic director. The benefit package is $25,000, but the salary and other particulars were not disclosed at this time. The employment is partially funded through Tax Increment Financing (TIF), as this position relates to economic development of an urban renewal area.
The Council also approved plans to move forward with the second phase of the Wambold Housing Addition. The two resolutions included plans, specifications, and the awarding of the housing contract. The City received seven bids, with the low bid coming from Kingston Services at $509,828. The Council awarded the contract to Kingston, as this bid was far below City Engineer Forrest Aldrich’s estimate of $624,000. Aldrich has worked with Kingston before, and is confident in their services. “They are capable of doing the work, they are in this business. Like all contractors they need to be observed and closely watched. But, it’s a pretty simple project. We don’t expect too many complications.”
The bid also includes alternate estimates for sidewalks in the addition. The Council then approved an easement for access to the east-west space north of the present substation for four local businesses/private owners. The easement is for 180 days, at which point the City will revisit the matter for the purpose of utility expansion. The businesses will also keep their current rear building access, as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
The Council also approved various aesthetic bills, the creation of formal housing tax abatement forms, and paying off the bathhouse’s final two installments totalling $100,000. The meeting concluded with an extensive public forum on TIF, the City’s sound system, and well wishes for outgoing members Neal Crawford and Matt Funk. Discussion on the Depot was also tabled for January, as Committee Spokesperson Doris Bench was unable to attend the meeting.