JPRD Mtg 12_20The Jefferson Parks and Recreation Board met Wednesday in regular session.

The Board continued to discuss plans for the upcoming 20-year celebration of the Greene County Community Center next year. JPRD Director Vicky Lautner presented a list of past equipment and infrastructures that was replaced or repaired over the 19 years of the facility.

Next the Board discussed re-flooring the gym floor of the community center. Two companies that Lautner is considering are: Sport Court and Snap Lock. The latter is the company that originally installed the gym floor 19 years ago. Lautner met with a representative with Sport Court and presented several concept designs of how a new floor would look. Lautner noted that she is working with Region XII Council of Governments to apply for a local grant to help offset the cost of the new flooring. The matching funds would come from the People Active for Community Exercise (PACE) and hotel/motel tax.

Finally, the Board discussed and reviewed plans to connect the city’s parks and the school buildings with a system of trails. A formal presentation will be made to the City Council next month and the Board will make a priority list of what should be completed when.