wind-power-iowa-537x361Greene County will officially have 85 additional wind turbines over the course of next year.

The County Board of Adjustment met Thursday afternoon in the Greene County courthouse and voted unanimously for MidAmerican Energy’s plan to build 85 additional wind turbines in the northeastern portion of the county. During the public hearing, about six county residents were opposed due to the distances from the wind turbines, shadow flicker and noise level.

With approval from the Board of Adjustment, MidAmerican plans to start construction of the wind turbines in the spring. The additional wind turbines are an expansion of MidAmerican’s Beaver Creek Wind Turbine project. Coupled with the 42 turbines that were recently completed, along with the expected 85 additional turbines, the county will see about $105 million of property taxes over the 40-year lifespan of the turbines.