American Cancer SocietyThe holiday season is often a time to celebrate with family, friends, and loved ones. However, these joyous occasions can be tough on those who are directly impacted by cancer and other serious illnesses. The American Cancer Society (ACS) offers some tips on how to handle the holidays when afflicted with these unfortunate circumstances.

First and foremost, ACS encourages those affected to openly express their feelings and emotions. ACS also suggests finding activities that energize and encourage these individuals. Activities can include: going to movies, indulging in favorite foods, or playing cards with friends. Additionally, the society suggests getting plenty of rest and being unafraid to decline some offers to limit exhaustion.

As far as things not to do during the holidays, ACS encourages those individuals not to overexert themselves to complete as many tasks as possible. The society also encourages: avoiding overindulging in alcohol, as it is a depressant, and can heighten bad feelings. As always, individuals should never feel they have to grieve or cope alone.

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