acgcThe Adair-Casey and Guthrie Center School Districts are currently in their second year of a whole-grade sharing agreement. While the administration and staff have seen plenty of progress, there’s still some work to be done in terms of school unification, particularly in the building itself.

The building has several wall graphics and artistic displays throughout the campus to encourage school pride and unity. High School Principal Shane Arp sees even more representations of Charger pride coming in the next few years. “You want to put more things out there to make it feel more like we’re ‘AC/GC’. We’re not Guthrie Center. We’re not Adair-Casey. We do have some other designs in the works to put throughout the rest of the building to jazz it up and build some of that school pride, and get the school color, and get that Chargers deal up more places.”

Even with the ongoing transition at the high school, Arp sees unity among the students. “You start this school year and it was like it was never different. They’re one group of kids. If I go out and look at lunches where kids sit wherever they want, the tables are all mixed. People are mixing with kids from both towns. There doesn’t feel like any division there.”

The athletic department is also gradually acquiring new uniforms and equipment with the “Chargers” name and logo.  You can hear more about the latest at AC/GC High School by listening to part one of our conversation with Arp on today’s Let’s Talk Guthrie County program.