The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
During open forum, County Environmental Administrator Chuck Wenthold said there will be a master matrix review for another Certified Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) next week. He also told the Board that MidAmerican Energy has submitted an application to build an additional 85 wind turbines in Greene County. Also during open forum, the Supervisors agreed to allow the courthouse to be open to the public on May 11th and 12th for the annual Market-to-Market Relay.
The Board then discussed the County’s health insurance plan with Sandy Scheuermann. She told the Board that their current partially-funded plan with Cypress will have a 23-percent overall increase in rates for next year. A comparison with Wellmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield was also discussed. The Board tabled their decision to next week’s meeting. The Board also heard a presentation of additional services with the HealthiestYou program, which provides a Teledoc webinar for clients to use, at their convenience, to meet with a physician. No action was taken by the Board following the presentation.
Finally, the Board met the new North Raccoon River Watershed Coalition Coordinator Marius Agua.