City of Perry

A late fall has resulted in a large amount of yard waste still in Perry. Because of that, the City has elected to extend both the Wednesday yard waste pick-up days, and the open burning dates.

At the recent Perry City Council meeting, they considered a resolution to add two additional yard waste pick-up dates on November 29th and December 6th. However, Council member Dr. Randy McCaulley suggested they should also consider extending the open burning dates to give residents options for yard waste disposal. The rest of the Council felt this was a good idea, so they passed the resolution and included November 27th through December 6th as additional open burning dates.

Perry City Administrator Sven Peterson says while he understands the rationale, he didn’t anticipate the additional burning dates, and he hopes people will still take advantage of the citywide pick-up days. “Originally this started just as a yard waste pick-up resolution, but it was motioned to not only extend the yard waste pick-up two weeks, but also the open burning. We still do ask that you try to put it in the yard waste bags, so it’s composted instead of just burning it. But we do understand that some people might just have too many leaves, or just not feel like putting them in bags.”

As a reminder, yard waste must be placed curbside in biodegradable bags by 7 a.m. on the day of pick-up. All burning must take place between 10 a.m. and sundown. It’s restricted to the back yards of private property, and must be supervised at all times. Anyone with questions can contact Perry City Hall at 515-465-2481.